A Koopa's Revenge Wiki

Jolly Toy Factory is the fifth level of the fourth world in A Koopa's Revenge 2, or AKR2 for short. This is also where you can fight Burgerstein, the fourth boss of the game.


  • There is a secret pathway that will lead you to the door before the boss fight.

To get there, at the start, you will see three 16 weight tons. Jump on top of the last ton you see and press up. You will go into an underground section. Making it to the end and entering the door will take you outside the boss door.

  • This level houses the Screw Attack ability.

As soon as you enter the shortcut, if you wall jump on the two walls you will find another door and two random boxes. Entering the door will take you to a room with one Mini Mario.

  • There is a purple block in the stage that can only be destroyed by using the Mini Mario explosion (the Screw Attack ability works too). These blocks are only seen in this stage.